WABE Features Season Three of Klibanoff’s ‘Buried Truths’ Podcast

The Atlanta NPR affiliate WABE recently featured the return of Prof. Hank Klibanoff‘s Buried Truths podcast for its newest season, which is dedicated to investigating the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. The podcast, now in its third season, is an outgrowth of the Georgia Civil Rights Cold Cases Project, which the Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Klibanoff directs. Read an except from the story below and listen to season three of Buried Truths.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist Hank Klibanoff runs the class. He told WABE that for months this year, we reverted back to 1950s Georgia.

“When white people, particularly police, could kill Black people with impunity,” Klibanoff said, in response to the fact that no arrests were made for more than two months after Arbery was killed in February.

“They wouldn’t be charged, they wouldn’t be tried. If they were charged, if they were tried, they would be found not guilty uniformly,” he said.

On the one hand, he said, it’s shocking that the Arbery case happened in 2020. On the other, its a long arc of injustice, a pattern that’s clear.

Anderson Interviewed on ‘Vox’ Podcast ‘By the People?’

Dr. Carol Anderson, Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies and Associated Faculty in the History Department, was recently interviewed on the new Vox podcast miniseries By the People? Anderson and host Ian Millhiser discuss the tactics Southern racists used to disenfranchise voters before the 1965 Voting Rights Act and the echoes of those tactics in voter suppression practices today. Read or listen to the episode here: “How the Supreme Court revived Jim Crow voter suppression tactics.”